Wednesday, April 18, 2012

DAYS 40 - 44 (April 12 - 18)

You all did a marvellous job getting going on the two projects, Subcultures at School and Food & Culture Day, in my absence, so thank you for that.  Mrs. Boychuk reported to me that you were a good group to work with and that those present (most of you) really got into the projects.

It was helpful to have a few days to get caught up with me so that's what we have done for the past few days.  I was able to direct you, to cajole you into finishing, and to guide you with your questions.  Most of your Subcultures at Schools projects are done and your Food & Culture Day work is coming along nicely.  Due to mid-term reports coming out this Friday we also spent a day or so getting everyone caught up on any missing work.  Again, it's helpful to have me around to guide you to what you need to get caught up on.

Well done everyone!

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