Wednesday, February 22, 2012

DAY 11 Behaviour Modification

We started by picking up where we left off during the power outage yesterday, with the short video about where we get our superstitions from - the point of that video is that the objects around us actually control our behaviour because of some unfounded notion about them.

Behaviour Modification Project: for today, start with a behaviour of yours that you would like to change.  Brainstorm ideas of how/why that behaviour is easy for your to engage in and put the reasons into the left hand column of a chart that you make.

On the right hand side of that chart list the reasons that make it difficult for you to stop the behaviour.

Below the chart list things (modifications) that you could put into place that might help you to curb or improve the behaviour.

Behaviour Modification Project  Baseline Due Feb 24, Final Project Due March 8  Paste the link to your Google Doc/Spreadsheet/whatever beside your name in my spreadsheet, Triologies Assignments Links - note that this link is to be used for all of your Google-type work for all assignments and that it's on the upper right of my Triologies Class Blog.

Then we moved on to Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Needs, something you've likely heard of before and perhaps it's even something you know about already.  But what we discuss today might surprise you!  Here's a copy of the handout that I distributed.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Needs

At the end of the class you all started to complete the pyramid yourselves - this can lead to some good thinking about your inner workings.  Indeed, how is it that you meet your needs as per Maslow's ideas?

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